About The Scholarship
Across the country and in the Central Valley, we have beared witness to a series of events exposing the institutionalized violence and devaluation of life that this country and our communities has leveraged against Black people for hundreds of years. In response, we have witnessed not only vibrant and courageous shows of action in the form of protests and grassroots organizing, but also regrettable truths about racial injustice and anti-blackness that continue to plague all facets of our community - our homes, our schools, our economy, our healthcare, and our safety. These injustices are not new. They exist and have become normalized in American culture through bias, microaggressions, and more. They exist in the unjust killing of Black people by law enforcement, and they also exist in the absence of Black voices and leadership in education.
Inclusivity is a paramount value within our organization, and our Black Student Scholarship is one example of how we are committed to supporting and creating spaces for Black students in the Central Valley. The Central Valley Scholars Black Student Scholarship recognizes exemplary Black students in the Central Valley who have faced obstacles due to biases, microaggressions, and systemic forms of oppression held against Black people in our education systems. Our scholarships are created with the central belief that every student is worth investing in and aim to choose recipients based on their identity, need, and potential for growth; aspects often overlooked by other educational institutions. The Black Student Scholarship invites vulnerability, encourages empowerment, and gives Black students in the Central Valley the space to validate their stories and find the beauty in their struggles.

Meet Past Recipients


Since 2021, Central Valley Scholars has awarded over $6,000 to Black students across the Central Valley. Our scholars have attended academic institutions across the spectrum including Fresno City, Fresno State, San Francisco State, and UCLA. Meet our 2021 & 2022 Black student scholars by clicking below.
Scholarship Details
Must be a Black student
Be currently enrolled at a community college, vocational school, or undergraduate university or will be in the Spring/Winter semester 2025.
Must have graduated from a high school, continuation school, or G.E.D school in the San Joaquin Valley by August 31st, 2024.
No GPA requirement
Proof of citizenship and social security are not requested
No letter of recommendation
Three 250 word responses
One 150 word response
Applications are due by November 30th, 2024.
Students will receive $1,500.00
One recipient will be selected
Have additional questions? Please email contact@centralvalleyscholars.org. Scholarship Terms and Conditions.