In service to the Central Valley
Honoring our Ancestors and
The Central Valley resides in a region with a deep transformative past, in which our ancestors have fought and died for the spaces we are able to hold today. Further, the theirstory of Black, Indigenous, People of Color, Queer, and other marginalized populations have been and are purposely erased in our education and textbooks. While we often may believe that we are the engineers of the programs and projects we create, this assumption is false. Our near existence is based on the survival of our past families and those who protested and were killed for us to continue the work we do today. As a youth-led and built organization, we recognize that our work is not new, it has been passed on to us by our ancestors, and we aim to continue their legacies.

Learn about our goals, values, and
Here at Central Valley Scholars, we empower students to realize their potential and capabilities and directly provide the resources, guidance, and support in order to make their educational dreams a reality. We value and understand that every student has their own pathway to education, and we reimagine and rebuild our classrooms, programs, workshops, universities, and more to directly accommodate the individual needs of our students.
We are here to serve our students. There is no right way to proceed with an educational career, so rather than impose specific pathways, we introduce students to the different avenues towards an academic career and allow them to decide what journey best suits their lives. We support our students in their journeys, support them in their downfalls, celebrate their successes, and cheer them on along the way. No matter our students' ages or where they are starting their educational careers, here at Central Valley Scholars we open our doors to all students, we support all students, we advocate for all students, and we represent all students.
We are a community-based and community-minded organization, putting the needs of our students first. With an emphasis on adaptability, we mold our programs and services to fit the needs of our students. As a youth-led organization built by Central Valley students, our own struggles upon accessing education are products of the systemic barriers placed upon our communities and identities. We have created an organization that not only directly addresses our intersectional needs but directly attacks the systemic forms of oppression placed against our communities. We empower our community and youth to do the same by providing spaces and funding to develop their own programs and services that directly impact their communities.
Ensuring inclusivity in our
We pride ourselves on providing spaces for the most forgotten populations in the Central Valley. With an initiative to introduce and create accessible pathways towards education, we have made it our responsibility to accommodate and assist students from all types of backgrounds and with all types of identities.
We are a safe and accommodating space for all historically marginalized students including, but not limited to:
LGBTQIA+ Students
Women and Non-men Students
First-Generation Students
Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Students
Undocumented Students,
Students with Disabilities,
Black, Indigenous, and Students of Color,
and Student Parents
We stand in solidarity with survivors of any and all forms of abuse, and we sternly prohibit any known abusers or harm-doers in our spaces. We will work to ensure that our spaces are those in which growth and community can thrive, and harm, abuse, and hate are never welcome at Central Valley Scholars.
Taking an environmental